Monday, 4 February 2013

18 hour count down!

Not sure if anyone's noticed, but I've changed the layout of my blog. Thought I'd try something new :) Do you like it?

It's now currently 4.45pm, that means it's around 17 and a half hours until I see the surgeon, I've rounded up to say 18, sounds better than adding in a half lol.

I've not been letting myself get to excited about this appointment as last time it got rescheduled and it was a major letdown. But I've decided as it's the day/night before, and it hasn't yet been cancelled, I can officially start getting SUPER EXCITED! I'm not sure what to expect when I'm there? I've no idea what they are going to suggest or do or.. uhhhhhhhh.. :)

Excitement levels = through the roof!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi thanks for following my blog haha :P
    Can totally sympathize with all the waiting!!!
    It's so frustrating -_-
    How did it go in the end? xxx
